Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mishari Rashid Al Afasy - Muhammad - LYRICS

محمد - مشاري راشد العفاسي

إنهُ الخلُقُ العظيمُ المُجتبى
وهْوَ مِشكاةُ الفضيلةِ والمَعينْ
لليتامى والنِّسا والضُعَفا
رِفقهُ بل للخلائقِ أجمعينْ
للطيورِ ووكرِها وصِغارِها
للحياةِ ومَن يُصَلِّ على الأمينْ
حُبّهُ لاينتهي فمحمّدٌ
قد تجلّى رحمةً للعالمينْ

مَن كمِثلِ محمدٍ يُختارُ في
كفّةِ التوحيدِ والحقِّ المُبينْ؟
في تحيّاتِ الوجودِ مُحمدٌ
في ابتهالاتِ المآذنِ والحنينْ
في قلوبِ المسلمينَ وسعيهِمْ
أن تراهُ قلوبُ غيرِ المسلمينْ

ليتنا كُنّا فِدا الدمعِ الذي
ساحَ مِن عينَي أجلِّ المرسلينْ
غابَ عن أنظارهِ أحبابُهُ
بل ووارى التُّربَ أهلاً و بنينْ
صابراً يُهجى ويؤذى بينما
قلبُهُ يُكوى لحالِ الآخَرينْ
إذ يرى أصحابَهُ ألماً وهُم
في مكابدةِ الجراحِ مُعذَّبينْ

ليتنا كُنا وِقاءَ دِمائهِ
وهْيَ تروي الأرضَ صبراً ويقينْ
ربِّ إن بكَ لم يكنْ غضبٌ علَيْ لاأُبالي يارجا المُستضعَفينْ
جاءتِ الدنيا لهُ طوعاً فلمْ
يفترش إلا حصيراً للسنينْ
فارقَ الدنيا فهدّ قلوبَنا
يافِداهُ ومُلْكُهُ دِرعٌ رهينْ


  1. Allahu Akbar, I dawud almadany wishing alafasy long life

  2. Replies
    1. He is the greatest moral that he choose for himself

      Moreover, he is the light of virtue and the helper

      For the Orphans, women and the powerless

      His kindness for all the creatures...

      For birds, their nests and their hatchlings

      For life and for this who say blessings of the Prophet

      His love never ends because Muhammad (ﷺ)

      He is manifesting for all creatures

      Who is like Muhammad (ﷺ) to choose otherwise?

      According to the power (The hand) of the theism and the clear truth

      In the greetings of existence, Muhammad...

      In the sound of minarets and longing

      In the hearts of Muslims and their seeking

      For those who are non-Muslim's hearts to see him ...

      May Allah bless Muhammad peace be upon him

      We hope that we can sacrifice the tears that…

      Fall down from the eyes of the glorified messenger

      His lovers (The believers who will come after his death) were hidden from his eyes

      Moreover, the dust cover families and sons

      Patiently, people say bad things and hurt him, while...

      His heart felt pain for others

      As his followers saw him in pain while...

      They are suffering in healing their wounds
      Who is like Muhammad (ﷺ) to choose otherwise?

      According to the power (The hand) of the theism and the clear truth

      In the greetings of existence, Muhammad...

      In the sound of minarets and longing

      In the hearts of Muslims and their seeking

      For those who are non-Muslim's hearts to see him ...

      May Allah bless Muhammad peace be upon him

      May we were protectors of his blood...

      While it was dripping on the ground with patient and certainty

      Oh Allah, if you are not sad from me, I do not care with anything else, you who is the hope of the powerless

      All life came to him with willingly but...

      He slept only on simple mat for years

      He left life that made our hearts demolished

      Oh Redemption and his armor was mortgaged

      Who is like Muhammad (ﷺ) to choose otherwise?

      According to the power (The hand) of the theism and the clear truth

      In the greetings of existence, Muhammad...

      In the sound of minarets and longing

      In the hearts of Muslims and their seeking

      For those who are non-Muslim's hearts to see him ...

      May Allah bless Muhammad peace be upon him

    2. Thank you for the translation
